Thursday, July 21, 2005

It's Thursday, welcome back!

Good morning everyone~ (all three of you that read this) ~how's it going? I'm having a fabulous day so far. Work, work, and just for fun, I'll throw in a bit more WORK. yeah...

Ok, sarcasm aside, things are going well, kids are doing good, and the wife is hot. I didn't go to class yesterday, I seem to have pulled a muscle (or stretched a tendon?)or something in my inside right leg which makes jiu jitsu very hard. I do plan on running today just to see where I'm at. I'll let you know (hehe). For some reason, today the move (to Atlanta) seems more visceral, not sure why, but it just does. I moved some more stuff out of my closet last night, as well as cleaning off another bookcase in the master bedroom. I did however annoy my wife by "stacking" some books on her nightstand and putting the bookcases and a box of stuff in the hallway (which is a designated "no stacking zone"). I'll get to them tonight hopefully.

The realtor emailed me again yesterday, I responded with my list of demands for the new house, we'll see if I get a response. I think that I'm going to try to start (yes, actually start!) taking some pictures of the inside (and possibly outside) of the house this afternoon. I really need to get the FSBO sign and flyer out. (for sale by owner).

For your amusement, here's some landscape pictures from around the house. Hopefully I'll be able to post some of the "for sale" pictures in the next couple of days.

Lots of love,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wife just wants to say thanks for all of the packing that you are doing and removing them items from the "no stacking"zone:)