Another week @ work, yippiee.
We got our first real rain of the year last night. It was appropriately about 30 minutes after I put some random computer stuff out on the front porch to go to goodwill. It seemed like a quickie monsoon, but no winds. The weatherman broke into BigBrother to warn us of IMPENDING rain...sheesh, like we've never had rain before. It was nice though, a welcome relief from the heat.
Stef took the kids to the
Wildlife Museum again yesterday. They have quite the good time when they go, I know because Wesley tells me all about it when I get home. I haven't been yet. I've been here in AZ for a bit over 11 years and I haven't gone...BAD jim!
Class again this morning, I brought my video camera and tripod to get a video of myself training. It's good for me to watch myself in order to see things that I need to work on. Enough about that. I had to keep rambling since my mother took the time to check this blog out, HI MOM! :-)
Kylee is such a character, hehe. She'll tell you
"I BANG!" (which means she's going to hit you with something)...then when you tell her, "no banging Ky..", she says
"I BONK" (which means that she's going to head butt you). Of course we tell her "no bonking", but that just means that she's promptly saying
"KICK" and sticking her foot out. It is quite hillarious when she does that, it's almost like her little game. "No kicking Ky"...but then immediately she goes into
"HIT" and doing her little punching motion...and immediately following it up with
"I HUGGIN'" while throwing down a big hug on you. Very cute.
Well, we've had Jadyn day, Kylee day, today is Wesley day for pictures. Here goes!