Tuesday, July 05, 2005


It is what it is.

One thing that doesn't seem to change is the beginning of the work-week, I still don't like it (actually, I don't like any part of it at all...)

The weekend was great, took some pictures, spent a lot of time with the kids and my wife, it was a good time all in all. Oh yeah, Jadyn's on the move now. She's still doing the army crawl, but can ~almost~ crawl properly, she starts out crawling, but usually falls on her face just as she gets going. Which means that in a day or two she'll be crawling for sure. Wesley is talking up a storm, he's got a very funny personality and (like other kids) enjoys pushing the limits...on everything. Kylee is going through the no clothes phase, and just this morning not only took off all of her own clothes, but disrobed Jadyn as well! This should be an interesting ride...LOL!

Here's some of the pictures:

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